44 Short Films Selected To Pendance 2021
The Pendance Film Festival is going virtual on March 26-28, 2021 via Eventive. Passes go on sale March 9th. With 2020 being a generally slow year for the film industry, we’re absolutely humbled to announce that our shorts programme may be our best one yet. Below is a full list of short films selected to Pendance 2021.
Blue Frontier | Ivan Milosavljević | Serbia
Cherry Cola | Amandine Thomas | United States
Da Yie | Anthony Nti | Ghana
Extraneous Matter | Kenichi Ugana | Japan
Good Thanks, You? | Molly Manning Walker | United Kingdom
Kilter | Rob Stanton-Cook | Australia
How to Get $100 Million | Ilya Polyakov | United States
Maalbeek | Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis | France
Mamaville | Irmak Karasu | Turkey
Organisms | Nikola Polić | Serbia
Peeps | Sophie Somerville | Australia
School Ties | Oscar Albert | United Kingdom
Sister This | Claire Byrne | Ireland
Sticker | Georgi M. Unkovski | Macedonia
Take it and End it | Kirineos Papadimatos | 20 mins
The Bears on Pine Ridge | Noel Bass | United States
The Curiosity of Edward Pratt | Thomas Sandler | Belgium
The Invisible Monster | Guillermo Fesser Perez de Petinto, Javier Fesser Perez de Petinto | Spain
The Listening | Milena Bennett | Australia
The One Who Crossed the Sea | Jonas Riemer | Germany
The PIGS method | Boris Kozlov | Spain
There will be MONSTERS | Carlota Pereda | Spain
To Sonny | Federico Spiazzi, Maggie Briggs | United States
Unliveable | Matheus Farias, Enock Carvalho | Brazil
Fighter | Meagan Brown | Canada
FREYA | Camille Hollett-French | Canada
Lloyd Loses Everything | Aris Athanasopoulos | Canada
Not Your Average Bear | Cliff Skelton | Canada
Pacaroni | Christian Bunea | Canada
Right Side Down | Ted Jefferies, Marshall Jefferies | Canada
Savage Breakup | Jaclyn Vogl | Canada
The Man Who Became Everything | Michael Alexander Uccello | Canada
The Wireman | Noah Brown | Canada
There’s Nothing You Can Do | Ryan Terk | Canada
And He Was Gone | Ace McCallum | Canada
Bertin | Elise Lausseur | France
Departure | Douglas Gibbens | Canada
Her Coming | Christie Will Wolf | Canada
If You Love Her, Let Her Go | Ilan Zerrouki | France
Line | Giran Findlay | Canada
Middle of No Where | Molly Shears | Canada
Strasbourg 1518 | Jonathan Glazer | United Kingdom
The Fall | Jonathan Glazer | United Kingdom
Truth Hurtz | Shaun Majumder | United States
Click to Read More About the Selected Films Here

Peeps (2020) – Sophie Somerville
2021 has brought the world together in unique ways. Our International In-Competition programme for 2021 features projects from 13 countries; Australia, United States, United Kingdom, France, Ghana, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Germany, Brazil, Japan and Belgium—that’s 24 different perspectives across 5 continents. And they’re all really good. Exploring diverse genres and ideas, from established and emerging directors alike, these 24 films will absolutely blow your mind.

There’s Nothing You Can Do (2021) – Ryan Terk
2021 is a record year for Canadian short films at Pendance. With 15 Canadian selections among the 43 shorts, there are more Canadian short films at Pendance 2021 than there were in our first three years combined. Among the 10 Canadian shorts, 9 are by directors who are being selected to Pendance for the very first time.

The Fall (2019) – Jonathan Glazer
Most Special Selections to Pendance will be free to access through the Pendance Library. Each year we’ve had to leave five or ten really deserving films off of the Official Selection Programme. It’s not a statement on the quality of the film—sometimes it’s just a matter of fit. Programming a cohesive short block around theme sometimes means a film we really believe in often finds itself on the outside looking in.
As we move towards virtual cinema in 2021, we wanted to celebrate as many artists as possible. Making most of our special selections free-to-access means even those who do not purchase a single pass or ticket to Pendance 2021 can still enjoy quality shorts!
Note: The Fall and Strasbourg 1508 by Jonathan Glazer will exclusively screen (Geo-Blocked to Ontario) via Eventive.